The Sunday Summary

๐Ÿ’ Fidget rings, ๐Ÿก Home design and ๐Ÿš– NYC cabbies

๐Ÿช€ A new cab toy

Bad habit I've had forever is biting nails. And somehow this is exacerbated when I drive the cab (I wonder why?). Iโ€™ve tried various fidget toys over the years, but this has probably been the best at replicating that visceral sensation. If youโ€™re a nail biter/picker then these might work for you!

๐ŸŽง On heavy rotation

Could easily be sun seeker. This is chill!

๐Ÿ“บ What Iโ€™m watching

Iโ€™m currently in the process of purchasing my first flat, so have been swotting up on design. I browsed dozens of YouTube channels before coming across Lowell.
His videos just put me at ease, they are very well scripted without a lot of fluff and are just a joy to watch! Iโ€™ve learnt so much already!

๐Ÿ“บ What Iโ€™m also watching

Super fun, and edited in classic TV style so nice to watch on a chilled Sunday afternoon. Nice to see so many similarities with London taxis, such as their equivalent to the airport feeder park! There is a NYC taxi knowledge school featured in this (and yes I did Google it, as I want to go and visit) but sadly it looks like itโ€™s out of business.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to reach out to me with your; comments, concerns or just general conversation. I'd love to know what you're up to or what you might be working on!

Have a great week!


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