The Sunday Summary

🎖️MBE for taxi legend, 🏊🏻 Secret Buckingham palace pool and 🖥️ desk walking

Hey , welcome back to The Sunday Summary a collection of insights and my behind the scenes from the past week.

👴🏻🤴🏼🚖 Congratulations to a taxi legend!

Phil Davis the founder of the Children’s Magical Taxi Tour and Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers (WCHCD) has been awarded an MBE in the 2025 New Years Honours List. From what many of the other drivers tell me, this man lives and breaths magical taxi tour. As soon as we finish in September he is raring to go to get the next year planned!

If you wish to leave a message of congratulations, you can do so here on the Magic Taxi Tour Instagram or The WCHCD Instagram (would highly recommend following both)

If you wish to donate to the 2025 trip, you can do so here

🚶🏼 A gadget splurge

Obviously taxi driving, and video editing is a very sedentary existence. My weekday average steps is 4000 a day (the weekend pulls up my weekly average to 6000). Either way not good.

I bought a standing desk about a year and a half ago. Let me tell you that it’s been in standing mode less than a dozen times (it is incredibly handy to clean under the desk though).

This walking pad has been in my Amazon wish list for too long. Often I’d talk myself out of it saying “Oh I’ll just do more walking”. As the data has shown… I’ve not heeded this self talk.

So I took the plunge and I’m walking at a brisk 1km/h as I type this. My rationale also being that any indulgent behaviours like watching TV, I can do whilst walking (do you think I’m a bit of a productivity nerd?)

🫅🏼 A product that’s saving my skin

I’ve been using this moisturiser for years now. We all know how important protection from the sun is even on cloudy days! Especially whilst driving (glass doesn’t filter UVA rays so you get direct exposure, here’s a scary photo to demonstrate). Either way this moisturiser is a daily essential and travels with me everywhere, carry on size so it’s perfect.

🎙️ A podcast episode I’m loving

Beautiful storytelling and engagement over a feature of Buckingham Palace you never thought about. A great introduction to the Search Engine Podcast! Loved this

🎧 On heavy rotation

The lyrics are poignant, this gives me a lot of chills. You probably won’t like it.

📺 No upload this week

However, as always, plenty of work in the pipeline.

I have 2 shifts filmed and ready for editing. Knowing that January and February are a bit quiet, I will plough more time into YouTube. Stay tuned! Let me know what you want to see!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to reach out to me with your; comments, concerns or just general conversation. I'd love to know what you're up to or what you might be working on!

Have a great wonderful Christmas/Holiday break!


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