The Sunday Summary

📖 Ancient traditions,🎸 strong bass lines and 🎒 a new backpack

Hey , welcome back to The Sunday Summary a collection of insights and my behind the scenes from the past week.

📖 What I’m reading

Even though I’m freeman of The City of London, and Court Assistant to The Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers. There is a lifetime of information I do not understand about the city! This digestible book is helping with that, and cements the incredible privilege it is that hackney carriage drivers are able to join a modern livery company, participating in numerous ancient rights and traditions within the city! Thanks to my brother for purchasing this as a xmas gift!

📺 What I’m watching

Williamson is such a powerful force of communication. It’s incredible to see his journey and how well he is able to riff with Pier’s Morgan.  This is a very important conversation on what masculinity means, and where we are currently headed if this crisis doesn’t sort itself out!

🎒 The best backpack brand

Herschel have been my go-to backpack for years.  You’ll have seen them in my “what’s in my cab videos”.  I have one for my cab bag (float, bill, coins, pens, union membership etc) as well as a larger one for carrying my lunch, yFood and other essentials.

Well the backpack I’ve had as my daily for about 3 years recently broke (just the strap that magnetises the top to the rest of the bag).  In fact it still works because it has a drawstring. But I thought I’d try my luck with Herschel’s Limited Lifetime warranty.  I didn’t even have the original receipt but they credited me with a £65 voucher for a new bag! I’m certain that was the cost of the bag when it was new!  Fair play Herschel, you’ve solidified my position as a customer for life!

If you’re interested to know exactly what bag I’ve replaced it with, I went for the Pop Quiz. There was a sale model that was under the gift card amount!

There is no sponsorship, just my honest usage of an incredible product line.

🎧 On seriously heavy rotation

Motorhead + snowboarding = harmony.   It’s those super strong bass lines that just bends your knees and relaxes your hips as you carve through the deep powder.  This tune was an unreleased track, it is gnarly.

📺 On YouTube this week

I had a lot of fun making this one! And trying to unwrap the conundrum of what to do now that my taxi is paid off!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to reach out to me with your; comments, concerns or just general conversation. I'd love to know what you're up to or what you might be working on!

Have a great week!


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