The Sunday Summary

🎲 Board games, 🏃🏼‍➡️ run training and 🚲 Lime bikes strike back!

Hey , welcome back to The Sunday Summary a collection of insights and my behind the scenes from the past week.

🃏 What I’m playing

Those calm wintery evenings with a friend or partner, this game is soo addictive! It takes one round (approx 10-15 minutes) to grasp the rules, and then you’ll instantly want to play it again! Highly recommend. If any of you are board game minded, I’d love to know your recommendations that could follow this!

🏃🏼‍➡️ What I’m training for

In May I will be running my first ever half marathon! I’m very excited for this and have been loving my occasional runs lately. I am hoping to raise £500 for CALM at the above link!

🧮 A desk purchase

I was getting fed up with using my phone calculator. Something nice about a good quality calculator with tangible buttons, very nostalgic!

📺 What I’m re-watching

Oldie but golden! I often find myself asking… “What am I optimising for?” or in the case of this video; “what am I huffing and puffing for?”. The perfect pairing for this would be the “On heavy rotation” music track below.

📰 What I’m reading (pay-walled)

🎧 On heavy rotation

I seem to remember this being the relaxing music after a chaotic race in the derby. Love the YouTube comment that this should just be default telephone hold music!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to reach out to me with your; comments, concerns or just general conversation. I'd love to know what you're up to or what you might be working on!

Have a great week!


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